Free Vector Wings – Crest
I got a ton of positive feedback about my Free Organic Vector Set so I figured I would do a similar set of Free Vector Wings and Crest Elements. These design items were a ton of fun to make and it was hard to stop building crazy compositions.
CSS Alpha Hover Effect
Creating a rollover image with css is not all that difficult to do. Typically people will simply change the hover state or use the sliding door technique in order to avoid that in between flicker…but with just a simple bit of css code you can create a time saving and slick alternative!
Free Organic Vector Set
Well this is really my first official post since I have been back and I’m excited about my “go green†free organic vector set. Maybe the title is deceiving but these design elements are a lot of fun to play around with. The free vector set includes actual ready to use designs along with all the elements used to build each completed item.
Ben Blogged Is Back!
Well Ben Blogged is back! I want to first apologize for being gone so long but I had to get a new hosting company and transfer my domain… which took longer then I wanted. I was using Dot5 Hosting and my database kept crashing. I called and e-mailed them about 30 times over the last month or so and they always said it was working or would be working… it never did or would crash again. Long story short I’m now using Host Monster and so far so good. I’m looking forward to being back online and providing some new vector art and tutorials. Check back soon because you know it’s Ben Blogged!
Free Vector Gold Leaf – 30 Items
It seems like gold leaf has been showing up a lot in both print and web design. A nice thing about this design element is that it can either have a sophisticated feel or be more organic. This set of 30 free vector gold leaf objects should be a good starting point for any designer no matter what your skill level.